On the ADI Part 2 exam the examiner will mark your driving faults on the test report form ADI25. The system of marking is very similar to that for the L test, except that the assessment of faults is to a higher standard.
A relatively minor error is regarded as a driving fault, and is marked with an oblique stroke “/”. This type of error might be marked if you make a mistake in your driving technique (i.e. not checking you’re mirror), or if you react inappropriately to a traffic situation.
If you have a maximum of six driving faults and no serious or dangerous faults – during a drive of about 60 minutes – you will pass the ADI Part 2 exam. With seven or more driving faults or with any single serious or dangerous fault you will fail. In contrast, on the learner test, candidates are allowed a maximum of 15 driving faults and no serious or dangerous faults.
The manoeuvres for the ADI Part 2 exam are exactly the same as those for the learner driving test. The only difference is that you’ll have to do 2 manoeuvres on the ADI Part 2 test and the Examiner will want to see a much higher standard of skill than required for a learner test.
The result is given to you at the end of the test.
You are limited to only 3 attempts on the ADI Part 2 exam. If you fail 3 times, you will have to wait two years from the date you passed ADI part 1 exam before starting from the beginning again. You will then have to retake and pass Part 1 again.
The standard of driving needed to pass the ADI Part 2 exam is extremely high. Although you may have had several years of accident- free driving, you will almost certainly have developed a few habits that detract from the overall efficiency of your performance. You may have become a car “operator” instead of being a car driver.
You will find it worthwhile to have one to one training with an ORDIT accredited trainer such as myself. There is no substitute for thorough and effective practical training from an experienced ORDIT trainer.
In your general driving as well as when your training for the ADI Part 2 exam always try to drive:
Find a map of your Part 2 driving test area and mark out areas such as one-way streets, difficult junctions, double mini roundabouts, so that you are ready for them on approach, rather than having to deal with them as if they have come out of nowhere. Make sure you get plenty of practice over the test routes with an ORDIT accredited instructor trainer.
While practising give a running commentary on all hazards, actions, planning and observations.
A commentary could go something like:
“Car turning right ahead...approaching roundabout check mirrors... reduce speed...change down to second...mirrors...clear...car overtaking in the left lane...second exit”
The reason that commentary driving works is that the trainee hears gaps in there running commentary and these correspond to gaps in attentiveness. Commentary driving also helps the trainee to focus fully on their driving. This skill is transferable into part 3 training. Obviously, on your ADI Part 2 test you will not be allowed to give a running commentary – so practice whispering the commentary to yourself or give yourself a “mental running commentary.”
Use reference points and limit points - a limit point is the farthest point along a road to which you have a clear and uninterrupted view of the road surface. Perhaps use “one full turn when the kerb comes into view in the lower corner of the window” This reference point is valuable especially on manoeuvres and give you a good initial indication of when to steer, when to straighten up, when to stop etc. You must know the required manoeuvres inside out as you’ll be teaching them to your learners throughout your career as a driving instructor. Practise manoeuvres until you can carry them out without any driving faults. That will leave you with a margin of 6 faults for the rest of the drive on the day of your ADI Part 2 exam.
Practise, practise, and practise until you can drive for 60 minutes with less than 3 driving faults and no serious or dangerous faults.
Take the advice of your ORDIT accredited trainer. A failed test can mean a lost fee as well as the probable loss of confidence and build of stress because of the limit on the number of attempts you can have.
First impressions:
Make sure your car is clean inside and out. Be well dressed and well groomed. The appearance of you and your vehicle will make a greater impression than anything you say, and that is crucial.
Warm Up:
Arrange to have an hour’s driving session around the area of the test centre on the day of your test. This will help you to warm up and get into the swing of things. You will also be aware of any new roadworks, obstructions etc., and will feel more able to deal with them more easily.
If you start feeling shaky bag of nerves, breath in, hold your breath, count up to 20 and breath out. Once the Part 2 exam starts you’ll settle into your driving and your attention will be on the road rather than on your own feelings, and your nervousness should disappear.
Running Commentary:
Talk to yourself – silently – throughout the test. Talk about hazards coming up and how you are going to deal with them. This really focuses your mind on how you should be driving in order to pass the Part 2 exam. This is a truly excellent technique which forces you to notice your own thoughts (or lack of them) while driving.
Don’t be afraid to ask:
If you don’t understand the examiner instructions or directions, don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat the instruction.
Think positive:
Before you start a manoeuvre, repeat to yourself – silently – “this is straightforward.” Think positively at all times. You can do it!
Making a mistake:
If you think you’re messing up on a reverse manoeuvre, just pull forward and start again. As long as you haven’t done anything serious or dangerous, such as touching the kerb or failing to make effective observations, you will get a driving fault and you could still pass.
If, unfortunately, you stall, deal with it and move on. As long as you don’t stall in a dangerous situation, such as on a roundabout and as long as you handle it properly, this needn’t count as a serious or dangerous fault and you could still pass your Part 2 exam.
Don’t give up:
If you think you’ve made a mistake during the test, don’t instantly assume you’ve failed – it may only have been a driving fault and not a serious or dangerous fault. Put it behind you and carry on driving as well as you can.
Keep your eyes on the road:
Resist the temptation to look at the examiner and how they are marking your test. You will not be able to deduce anything anyway. Keep your attention on your driving and the road ahead.
For further information about taking the ADI Part 2 test, call or visit our dedicated driving instructor training site at https://www.ordit.co