The ADI part 3 test is the same as the Standards check format, what this means is that you will need to take a pupil with you and conduct a real driving lesson with the examiner watching from the back.
You will need to pick a subject which is suitable for your students needs, this means that your lesson must be well planned and pitched to the student at the correct level.
The first area on the ADI 3 marking sheet is titled lesson planning and you will be marked on all the following aspects of your lesson.
Did you identify the pupil’s learning goals and needs?
Obviously without getting this right it would be difficult to achieve a good lesson.
Was the agreed lesson structure appropriate for the pupil’s experience and ability?
Both you and the pupil must agree the lesson structure, but ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure that the lesson is suitable to the students needs, and that it is neither too difficult or to easy, your aim here is to ensure that learning takes place.
Were the practice areas suitable?
You must ensure that the route you choose is suitable, obviously safety is the main issue but you must choose a route which will provide enough of a challenge for your pupil to learn and progress.
Was the lesson plan adapted, when appropriate, to help the pupil work towards their learning goals?
Adapt your lesson where necessary, for instance if your original plan is Dual carriageways and your pupil misses door mirror checks on route to the dual carriageway you may need to change tact and correct this fault before going down the slip road.
Total marks available for this section = 12
Did the trainer ensure that the pupil fully understood how the responsibility for risk would be shared?
You should explain to your pupil what each of your responsibilities are, and also explain about dual controls and that you will use them if necessary.
Were directions and instructions given to the pupil clear and given in good time?
Obviously you need to speak clearly and give any directions at the appropriate time.
Was the trainer aware of the surroundings and the pupil’s actions?
This means you must be planning ahead for events on the road, you must see them in time to then ensure your pupil is reacting in the appropriate way.
Was any verbal or physical intervention by the trainer timely and appropriate?
If you need to intervene either verbally or physically then the timing of your intervention is of the utmost importance, too soon and you are not really giving the pupil chance to react or too late which could be safety critical.
Was sufficient feedback given to help the pupil understand any potential safety critical incidents?
Any safety critical incidents must be addressed correctly and also it is your responsibility to ensure that the pupil understands what went wrong and why it was safety critical.
Total marks available for this section = 15
Was the teaching style suited to the pupil’s learning style and current ability?
Similar to choosing the lesson plan, you need to instruct at the correct level, and adapt to your pupils abilities.
Was the pupil encouraged to analyse problems and take responsibility for their learning?
Ask questions which make your pupil think and reason things out.
Were opportunities and examples used to clarify learning outcomes?
Don’t miss these opportunities, lots of things happen around you whilst on the road, many times these can be used as learning opportunities.
Was the technical information given comprehensive, appropriate and accurate?
Any information which you give should be appropriate and correct.
Was the pupil given appropriate and timely feedback during the session?
Praise your pupil when appropriate, If your pupil makes a mistake then question why it was done.
Were the pupils queries followed up and answered?
Make sure that you answer any questions your pupil asks, if you are asked an awkward or technical question which you are unsure of the answer then just say I am not certain but I will find out for you.
Did the trainer maintain an appropriate non-discriminatory manner throughout the session?
You can score 3 points here just for being yourself!
At the end of the session – was the pupil encouraged to reflect on their own performance?
At the end of the lesson you should allow a few minutes for a recap, and discuss with your pupil what went well, what went not so well, and what they feel they have achieved.
Total marks available for this section = 24
The maximum marks available are 51. If you score 42 or above you will pass with a grade A, 31-42 you will pass with a grade B. If you manage to achieve less than 31 then this will be classed as an unsatisfactory performance.
While this ADI part 3 marking system may look a little complicated at first, with the correct ORDIT training it soon becomes clear. For further information call or visit our dedicated driving instructor training website